5 Position Ideas: Stockroom Pig Sling

In terms of positions, sex slings are all pretty much equal and have the same position options. It really comes down to personal preferences for comfort and materials. You can add cuffs to get a few bondage positions.

The Stockroom Pig Sling can be used in 4 out of the box, but with accessories, an additional 1 positions can be added.

Super Bowl Sunday sex position
Difficulty 1
Type: Sex Sling
Sling Buffet Position
Difficulty 1
Type: Sex Sling
Sausage Fest sex position
Difficulty 2
Type: Sex Sling
The Pleaser Sex Swing positions
Difficulty 1
Type: Sex Sling
Required addon for this swing: Womanizer
Sling banger position
Difficulty 1
Type: Sex Sling